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Why DNet?

Through its governance model, DNet ecosystem seeks to incorporate the outcast, increase public awareness of cryptocurrencies, and provide educational opportunities. With the use of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, Token hopes to drive widespread adoption.

DNet is utilized for international payments, e-commerce, and bookings in addition to betting games. Flexibility and scalability were priorities when creating the platform. It will eventually include a variety of content and third-party games, starting with game betting and then moving on to other purposes. It is designed to support a complete ecology. All are fueled by TOKEN FOR DNet, our digital currency.

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Our DNet Vision


Services for DNet will be accessible through a web platform and a useful App for both iOS and Android. The platform will provide users throughout the world—both those who are familiar with cryptocurrencies and those who are less technologically savvy—with a straightforward and seamless experience that is influenced by product design and functionality. Through a superior interface that is available to everyone, the complicated process of creating tokens for payment will be made simpler. Clients will also have access to comprehensive and compliance reporting for tax and legal purposes, a concept that is regrettably lacking in many cryptocurrency-related ventures.


DNet encapsulates the future of personal finance by fusing the unregulated world of cryptocurrencies with the security offered by historical financial institutions, operating under a banking, securities, and fund management license, and providing a best-in-class service for retail investors to store and invest capital in an accessible, secure, and familiar digital banking environment.


Benefits of DNet token in eCommerce

Here are some particular advantages of taking cryptocurrency (DNet token) in your online store:

Main Features

Key Components of the DNet Ecosystem Solution

The most essential thing in any business is transparency which is one of the attributes of DNet ecosystem by the incorporation of Smart contracts which is programmed to provide transparency so that all stakeholders can see how funds are being spent and ensure their interests are met using DNet Token as a payment


This is the central processing unit of our entire system, powered by Blockchain technology. Transparent, equitable, and secure betting are made possible by technology. The DNet Token, Wallet, Smart Contracts, and a host of other features are all part of this platform. The DNet Protocol meets all requirements of bill payments with the aid of our utility App.


The magic happens at the application layer, where even the best technology can only go so far. This group of cutting-edge internal and external applications developed on top of the DNet Protocol. The utility apps will be made to be as user-friendly and interesting as possible, with complete support for Web and mobile platforms.


The BEP-20 digital token DNet powers the DNet ecosystem. The DNet Token would be used for all platform transactions and the majority of ecosystem payments.


Token Information

Delta Network Token is a Next Generation Payment System, unlike any other Crypto Projects worldwide.

Contract Address 0x97d4570c5cFAB5201a92310002D1EeEFE613C07B
Symbol DNet
Token Name Delta Network
Technology Binance Smart Chain
Type of Token BEP-20
Max Supply 1,000,000,000
Purpose Utility Token

DNet Roadmap

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text ever sincehar the 1500s, when an unknownshil printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries.

Phase I

  • Idea Initiative of Delta Network
  • Token Generation Planning
  • Market Research
  • DNet Tokenomics Planning

Phase II

  • Build our Team
  • Token Development Planning
  • Contract Deployment

Phase III

  • Build online community
  • Website development
  • Seed funding
  • Social media promotion

Phase IV

  • UI/UX REQUIRED Upgrades
  • Listing in Pancakeswap
  • Promotion through Bloggers
  • Back end optimization

Phase V

  • Listing in coinmarketcap
  • Listing in coin gecko
  • Listing in Centralized Exchanges
  • Develop Support team

Phase VI

  • Listing on multiple exchanges
  • Use for other platforms like gaming and e commerce

Phase VII

  • Cross blockchain transactions
  • Mass adoption with DNet Globally
  • Move to Global operations
  • Payment Gateway to Connect People
DNet Token


Audit Report
White Paper
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